The Institution’s innovation council of AAACET organized an online “Orientation Session on National Education Policy: 2020” on 11-12-2020. Dr. M. Sekar, Principal presided over the session and delivered the presidential address. The resource person for this programme was Dr. R Pon Vengatesh, Associate Professor / EEE, AAA College of Engineering and Technology, Sivakasi. The session was an eye opening session about the new education policy of India. The resource person listed out the features of National Education Policy: 2020 and pointed out the benefits of this policy. NEP:2020 policy initiatives from Government of INDIA. During the Forenoon session, 20 faculty members from AAACET and during afternoon session, nearly 100 students from the Department of Science and Humanities were participated this programme. During the feedback session, the participants interacted with the resource person and clarified their queries regarding this policy.