The Association of Computer engineers in association with CSI Students Chapter, Department of Computer science and Engineering, AAA college of Engineering and Technology, Sivakasi, Inaugurated its “Association” and conducted a Guest lecture on “Gate Awareness on Higher Studies and Job” on 20.09.2021 for the students of CSE. The function started with a Welcome address by Ms.R.Jeevalakshmi of IV Year CSE. Dr.J.Sutha, Professor and HoD of CSE delivered the inaugural address and announced the Executive Members and association plan. Ms.M.Sai Janani of III year CSE gave introduction about the chief guest. The chief guest Mr.G.Karmegam, Director, Gate forum, Madurai presented the importance of gate exam on higher studies and job. Also the chief Guest told about the “Ask Culture” and motivated the students to overcome their stage fear. Mr.A.Daniel Alex of IV year CSE delivered the vote of thanks. Finally, The programme was ended with the National Anthem.
The programme was well organized by Dr.J.Sutha, HOD/CSE, Faculty Co- ordinators Mr.P.Elamparithi AP/CSE & Mrs.A. Selva Anushiya, AP/CSE, and Students Co-ordinators Mr.A.Daniel Alex, IV Year CSE & Ms.R.Jeevalakshmi, IV Year CSE.