The Department of Electronics and communication Engineering, AAA College of Engineering and Technology, conducted Five-day certification course on “Designing of Autonomous Robot using ATMEGA 2560 Microcontroller” for third year students from 03/12/2021 to 07/12/2021. This training program was conducted at the e-Yantra Robotics Laboratory in AAACET campus. Dr. S. Sevugarajan, HOD/ECE inaugurated the certification course and addressed the students about importance of Robotics.
Mrs. K. Padmapriya, AP/ECE and Ms. P. ArunaDevi, AP/ECE were the course instructors. Students were taught about programming of ATMEGA 2560 Microcontroller, Embedded C, Digital logic, AVR studio 4.17 and Interfacing of various devices such as Buzzer, LCD, IR Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, White line sensor, Bar code LED, Switch, Zigbee module. Building of various real time applications using the ATMEGA 2560 Microcontroller was discussed during the training program. The certification course enabled the students to design simple robots based on the ATMEGA 2560 Microcontroller.