The Department of Civil Engineering organized a certificate course on “Planning and drafting of buildings using AutoCAD software” from 24/02/2022 to 01/03/2022 in the CAD/CAM laboratory, Cambridge Block, I floor. Mr.T.Thirukumaran, AP/Civil and Mr.T.Manikandan, AP/Civil were the resource people for the course. In addition, Ms. K.Krishiga, AP/Civil explained about plotting and dimensioning of plan with consideration of Vasthu sastra. Forty students from II year B.E. Civil Engineering Department attended the course.
AUTOCAD is most commonly used software for creating and modifying two dimensional drafting with detailed information about the conceptual design of buildings. The five days course helped the students to plan the requirements of buildings and draw the approval plan as per DTCP norms. The participants attended all the section with full interest and cleared their doubts during the question and answer section. The five days certification course came to an end with participants sharing their feedback.