The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Workshop on “UI & UX Designing” on 05/09/2022 & 06/09/2022 for second year and third year Computer and Science Engineering students. Workshop was inaugurated on 5.9.2022 at 9.30 am @ Sir Visvesvaraya Hall, Cambridge Block. Dr.V.Vivek, AP/CSE welcomed the gathering. Dr.J.Sutha, Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering delivered the inaugural address. Mr.T.Ananth Prabhu, Senior Technical Architect, CNETWORQ, Bangalore was the resource person of the workshop.
The aim of the UI/UX workshop is to provide students with the knowledge of user- centered design, user – centered methods in design, graphic design on screens, simulation and prototyping techniques, usability testing methods, interface technologies and user centered design in corporate perspective. After attending this workshop, students are able to develop a UI/UX design with Adobe XD open-source software’s.
Totally 110 students from second year and third year CSE gets benefitted from this workshop. At the end of each session, assessment was conducted. Resource person distributed the certificates to the students. Ms.G.Anushiya from second year CSE gave vote of thanks. At the end of the workshop, the students gave feedback on the workshop and resource person. They appreciated the resource person for spared their expertise with us and clarified the doubts raised by the students. The programme was well organized by Dr.J.Sutha, HoD/CSE and Faculty Co-ordinator Dr. V. Vivek, AP/CSE.