The Institution Innovation Council (IIC) of AAA College of Engineering organized a “National Education Day 2022” on 11th November 2022 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. This programme was organized the orientation session on National Education Policy (with a focus on innovation) for all the first year students of AAA College of Engineering and Technology on 11.11.2022. This Programme was conducted at Kamarajar auditorium at 11am-12.30 pm.
The program was starts up with the prayer song.Ms.R.Oviyaa third year ECE has delivered the welcome address. Our College Principal Dr.M.Sekar Preside over the function and delivered Presidential address. Our college IIC President Dr.G.Vairamuthu delivered the inspiring speech about IIC. As a part of the “National Education Day celebration 2022” one of our Resource person Dr.B.Padmanaban, Associate Professor ECE Department has delivered the Valuable speech about National Education Policy. Students are enthusiastically participated in this event. Finally students are nominated for IIC Members
Nearly 250 of all first year students were participated in enthusiastically. Ms.S.Shruthisaba third year ECE has delivered the Vote of Thanks. Finally the Programme was ended with National anthem.
Copy to: IIC file, Event Co-coordinator, AAACET-IIC webpage, IIC web portal (e-copy)