Center for eYantra Robotics and Department of Electronics and communication Engineering, AAA College of Engineering and Technology, conducted Five-day certificate course on “Building a Future with Robot” for final year Electronics and Communication Engineering students from 01/07/2023 to 06/12/2021. This training program was conducted at the e-Yantra Robotics Laboratory in AAACET campus. Dr. S. Sevugarajan, HOD/ECE inaugurated the certification course and addressed the students about importance of Robotics and how this will be helpful for doing final year project.
Mrs. K. Padmapriya, AP/ECE, Mrs. T. Vinothini, AP/ CSE and Mr. R. Vinothkumar, AP/EEE were the course instructors. Students were taught about programming of ATMEGA 16 Microcontroller, Embedded C, Digital logic, AVR studio 4.17 and Interfacing of various devices.