The Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of AAA College of Engineering organized “A Session on Achieving Problem-Solution Fit and Product Market Fit” on 02.03.2023. The Programme was conducted at Thomas Alva Edison Hall. Mr.R.Suriyamoorthy, Second Year, Department of ECE, Student Co-ordinator IIC, extended a warm greeting to the delightful gathering. Mr.T.Arunkumar , Second Year, Department of ECE, Student Co-ordinator IIC has given chief guest introduction.
Er.D.Jeyaganesh,B.E.,M.B.A., EDP Manager, Anaamalais Toyota, Virudhunagar was the resource person for this session. The Resource person has given idea about how to market the product and types of marketing online marketing, offline marketing. He has also given idea about carrier planning and also showed the video about ARC group of companies and carrier opportunities for engineering graduates. During the feedback session, the participants interacted with the resource person and clarified their queries regarding this session. Nearly 57students and 10 faculties were participated in this session. Ms.K.Nandhana, Second Year, Department of ECE delivered the Vote of Thanks. Finally the Programme was ended with national anthem.