Dr. S. Sevugarajan is currently heading the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and the Department of Science and Humanities at AAA College of Engineering and Technology. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in 1995 with Physics as a major subject and completed his Master’s degree in the field of material Science in 1997 at Anna University. In 1997 he joined Indian Institute of Science (IISc) at Bangalore and obtained an additional research master’s degree (MSc[Engg]) in Instrumentation Engineering. After completion of his master’s degree at IISc in 1999, he continued his research work at IISc and obtained his PhD degree in 2005. Immediately after completing his PhD, he was invited to U.S.A to work as a post-doctoral fellow with Dr. Clemmer at Indiana University, USA.His post-Doctoral work was based on split-field drift tube/ion mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS). In 2006 he joined Vanderbilt University, USA as a research associate. At Vanderbilt University he 1. Designed and developed a Dual-Source Electrospray/MALDI Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometer (IM-MS) for Biomolecular Structural Characterization. 2. Designed and developed the single and 8-channel ESI source, Drift tube, ion Extraction source and vacuum chambers and their associated electronics and RF power source for IM-MS.3. Designed and developed “A novel multiplexed data acquisition technique that utilizes fast repetition MALDI ionization source to enhance the sensitivity of IM-MS”. During his stay at Vanderbilt University he has also completed a consultancy project in designing the mechanical and Instrumentation setup for ESI Source for Accelerated Mass Spectrometer in Prof. Tannenbaum’s laboratory, MIT, Boston, MA, USA
In 2013 he joined Acharya Institute of Technology as a professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering department. During 2015 he was invited to Florida International University, USA, as a visiting faculty where he worked on the Design and Development of Voice based Greetings/Control System for Tele-Presence Robot (TELEBOT).
He has supervised several masters and undergraduate students. He has published over 30 peer-reviewed research papers in reputed research Journals having very high Impact factors (~15) and book chapters.Dr. S. Sevugarajanis an active member of IEEE. He is a highly energetic, dynamic and self-motivated person. Apart from Academics, he has been contributing lots in Intellectual Property Rights Cell (IP Cell). He has organized several workshops and conferences at both national and international levels.
His research interests include: Design and development of Telepresence Robots, automated unmanned aerial vehicles, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning techniques for Agriculture and Health care systems and in the design and development of Ion-Mobilty Mass Spectormeters,