Center for IIoT, AAACET conducted a three-day Certification Course on “Internet of Things using Arduino Programming” for IV year Civil Engineering students from 27.09.2022 to 29.09.2022. Mr. M. S. Kalyana Sundaram, AP/ EEE and Mr. P. Vetrivel, AP / EEE were the course Instructors and delivered the basics and importance of embedded programming for the civil engineering graduate. The students involved with the hands-on training sessions and developed the following projects.
Day1: An intelligent landslide monitoring and alerting system using internet of Things
Day2: Real time crackers monitoring and detecting system using Arduino Programming
Day3: Internet of Things based online monitoring of concrete deterioration due to acid rain.
During valedictory session, students thanked the management, Department of Civil Engineering and Centre of IIoT for arranging this course which is very useful for finding new products.