The first meeting of Institute Interaction Cell of AAA College of Engineering and Technology was held on 17.9.2019 (Tuesday) at Seminar Hall, Ground Floor Engineering Block. The council was formulated with the following Coordinators and Expert Members.
President – Dr.R.Meena Prakash, Asso.Prof/ECE
Convener & Innovation Activity Coordinator – Mr.M.S.Kalyana Sundaram, AP/EEE, R.R.Rajaganapathy, IV year ECE, Aditya S, III year Mech
Start-up Activity Coordinator – Mrs.R.Indhuja, AP/CSE, Vishnu K, III year CSE, Sabari Shri.S, III year ECE
Internship Coordinator – Dr.R.Sivasangari, Prof/EEE, R.Gayathri, IV year ECE, J.Darwin Anto, III year EEE
IPR Activity Coordinator – Dr.G.Vairamuthu, Asso.Prof/Mech Engg., Subiksha K, III year CSE, Rajeswaran.G, III year Civil
Social Media Coordinator – Mr.S.Balamurugan, AP/Mech Engg., A.Allwin Asha, III year ECE, P. Yadav Aniket, IV year EEE
Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIAA) Coordinator – Dr.S.Krishnapriya, Asso.Prof/Civil Engg.,
National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Coordinator – Dr.S.Sevugarajan, Prof & Head/ECE
Start-up / Alumni Entrepreneur – Mr.S.Madan Raj, Proprietor, Raj Steels and Cements, Sivakasi
Expert from nearby Industry – Mr.D.T.Xavier, Chief Executive, PROSOL Instruments and Services, Madurai
Expert from Bank – Mr.Mathew M.Souza, Branch Manager, Indian Bank, Sivakasi
Dr.R.Meena Prakash, President, Institute Innovation Council welcomed all the members of IIC, introduced the faculty coordinators and student coordinators of the Innovation, Start-up, IPR, Internship and Social Media Activities. She also introduced the faculty coordinators of ARIAA and NIRF and general members of IIC. A discussion on the activities to be conducted for first Quarter (July to September 2019) was made.
It was also discussed to promote the activities in social media. It was discussed to request for a separate Hall to conduct innovation related activities. A discussion on promoting innovation activities in the campus is also made by the student and faculty members. Finally, Mr.M.S.Kalyana Sundaram, AP/EEE, Convenor of IIC appreciated the efforts by the Management, Principal, HoD’s and faculty of the College for their contribution towards conducting activities of IIC.