National Level Technical Symposium VALIANT 2K24 on 20-03-2024

The Department of Electronics Communication, AAA College of Engineering and Technology Sivakasi organized National Level Technical Symposium VALIANT 2K24 on 20-03-2024. The symposium witnessed huge response from the student community with 127 registered student’s participation in physical and 6 students in online mode from 14 colleges. The objective of the symposium is to bring out the hidden talents of the students and develop their skills in the latest trends, by participating in the technical and non technical events. The Inaugural function was conducted on 20-03-24 10.00 AM at First floor seminar hall -Thomas Alwa Edison Hall. Mr.K.S.Premshaj DGM (BSNL) Virudhunagar acted as the Chief Guest. AAACET Principal Dr.M.Sekar in his inaugural address briefed about the importance of the conducting this kind of symposium in expanding student’s networks with inclusion of other college students and developing their presentation skills. The Chief Guest Mr.K.S.Premshaj in his speech ,discussed about the initiatives taken by the BSNL in deploying 4G networking services with indigenously developed hardware and software components and asked the students to attend more number of skill based training programmes for strengthening their resume. Dr. T. Senthil, HOD/ECE in his speech narrated the outcome of the symposium like improving team work skills, event coordination management and exposure to the latest development in the ECE domain.

In the symposium various technical and non technical events are conducted which included Paper presentation, Best Engineer Technical Quiz Graph glimpse IPL Auction and Guess Now .The student volunteers from IV,III and II year ECE organized all the above events with faculty in charges. In the Valedictory function AAACET Principal distributed the prizes ,shields to the winners/runners and participation certificates. The symposium received good numbers of appreciation and positive feedback from the participation which is the key indicator that ECE dept organized the symposium in a successful ways. A 4G free SIM mela also arranged by the BSNL Virudhunagar @ the Ground floor Cambridge block. Dr.P.Saravanakumar AP/ECE ,Mrs K.Padmapriya AP/ECE and Mrs M.Arun devi AP/ECE acted as the event coordinators of the technical symposium.
