The Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of AAACET organized a “Session on Emerging Innovations in Agile Software Development” on 21st September 2022 (Wednesday). The resource person was Mr. Lakshman Babu, Co-founder & Director, Ekalaiv Tech Private Limited, Bangalore. More than 110 Students from various departments attended the program. Mrs.G.Kavitha, Startup Activity Coordinator started the progam by giving welcome address. Ms. Dharani of II CSE introduced the resource person. The resource person shared about agile software development. He differentiated agile from other approaches to software development and explained about the types and principles of agile methodologies. He discussed about how agile methodology used in his company and its advantages. He also shared the emerging ideas in agile software development. Students interacted with the resource person actively. At the end of the program Ms.M.Sai Janani, IV CSE, delivered the vote of thanks. The program came to an end with the national anthem.
Event Video Link:
Copy to: IIC file, Start-up file, Event Co-ordinator, AAACET-IIC webpage, IIC web portal (e-copy)