The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IETE students chapter, AAA College of Engineering and Technology organized one day workshop on “IOT WITH ANDROID APP” on 30.04.2022. Dr.M.Sekar, Principal, AAA College of Engineering and Technology, inaugurated the workshop. Dr.S.Sevugarajan,HOD/ECE welcomed the gathering and delivered the importance of Internet of Things (IoT) in the current scenario and highlighted the development of android apps for IoT applications.
The Resource person for this Workshop was Mr.S.Avinash Co-founder, Chief Executive officer & Trainer and Mr.R.Mathiyalagan Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer at Incrix Techlutions LLP, kovilpatti.During the technical Session the topics discussed as follows:
Introduction to Embedded system and IoT
- Architecture of MCUs
- Internet protocol
- OSI layer
- IP address
- HTTP protocol and MQTT protocol
- Server architecture
Building API’s
- Introduction to API
- Introduction to THINKSPEAK server
- Building API’s for read and write sensor data
- Testing API’s
Android APP development
- Introduction to MIT APP inventor
- Building Splash Page and Login Page
- Building Dashboard for monitoring and controlling IoT data
- Connecting IoT device with Android APP using API’s
- Testing the entire application
- Career guidance in IoT development
During the Valedictory session Dr. S.Sevugarajan, HoD/ECE thanked the Resource person and motivates the students to develop innovative products in the field of Embedded Systems and IoT. Mr.G.JayahariPrabhu Assistant Professor of ECE has delivered the vote of thanks. The Workshop was coordinated by Mr.P.Mohanraj and Mr.G.Jayahari Prabhu Assistant Professor of ECE Department.